Come see our studio for a Complimentary class, no matter what your skill level, gauranteed you will learn something.
All classes are conducted in a workshop format. Meaning we will work on one element of the dance for the month. Although, class dependent we will at times move forward with the class if everyone understands the planned movements. Or, we may extend the duration of the series if needed. Our schedule is driven by the needs of our students not driven by a calendar. Anybody can start their tango journey at any time and do not have to wait for the beginning of a series.
Instruction is 55 minutes, this includes a 10-minute review of the previous class and a 5-minute review at the end highlighting things noted during class that day. Your first visit is always free regardless if you stay for one class or all three (do this before you purchase your classes online to ensure our teaching methodology is right for you.)
Class minimums and Cancellations: We will teach classes for any number of students from 1-20
Absolute Beginners class (Introductory class) will start the at the very beginning with the posture and embrace. This class will concentrate on the basic core elements of this dance. It is open to level one and level 2 students. Students who have taken the class before will also be in the class, they will be perfecting their craft. Every student will at the minimum want to take this beginner class at least twice to get the movements into muscle memory.
Combined Class We will begin with a workshop series on turns both linear and circular. Turns are one of the most complicated things to achieve so we might extend this series based on the students understanding of the subject. This class is open to all students, with the Understanding that we will not hold up the class if you do not grasp the concept. We will move on and you will continue working on the portion of the class you are working on once you are ready to proceed further instruction will be provided.
Specialty workshops – We will do Four specialty workshops throughout the year starting with a series on dancing in the close embrace, followed by a series on milonga both in milonga lisa and tras pie, next we will do Tango Vals and lastly we will do a series on tango Nuevo.
Milongas/Dances: Our milongas are held every third Saturday of of the month from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.
Class & Private Packages
All packages will be paid in person at the studio the first day of your session.
Instruction is 55 minutes for both classroom and private instruction.
We do not offer refunds. Payment for private and classroom instruction is valid until used, however transferring classes to another individual is allowed (verification via email or in person).
Two students are allowed for the price of one for private lessons. Perfect for couples!
If two instructors are requested for private sessions, and extra $25 will be added.
Classroom and Private packages are required to be paid in full after your the first lesson.
Try out our complimentary lesson before purchasing!
First time beginners……$50 for 8 classes and two activities
Continuing students….$100 for 10 classes
College Students/Military members: $70 for ten classes
Milongas $10 (open to the public)
Practicas if not attending the class $7 - Open to the public
If money is the issue , come to the studio we will figure something out
Private Lessons
Individual Private lesson without package deal, one instructor……$65
Package of ten private lessons $500
If money is the issue , come to the studio we will figure something out
Drop In Rates
First class……Free!
Drop in rate (per person)……$15 (pay at the studio)